CRM pentru IMM-uri

Efficiency and performance in organizational management with the help of our CRM solution.

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CRM for SMEs

Dynamic Business CRM is an essential tool for any business looking to efficiently manage customer relationships and improve internal processes. Implementing a CRM brings numerous benefits, including:

Customer Financial Information

  • Quick Access to Financial Information: With a single click, you can obtain essential information about partners, such as revenue, profit, number of employees, and business sector.

Automatic Contract Issuance

  • Automatic Contract Issuance: Based on predefined templates, the CRM can automatically issue contracts, saving time and reducing human errors.
  • Invoice Issuance: Invoices can be automatically generated based on existing contracts, ensuring fast and accurate billing. Information from contracts can be used to automatically issue recurring invoices.

Personalizing Commercial Offers

  • Sending General and Personalized Offers: The CRM allows sending both general and personalized offers, tailored to the specific needs of each client.
  • Offers from the Product/Service Catalog: Personalized offers can be created directly from the product and service catalog, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Simplified Workflow

  • New Client Acquisition: Sales personnel use a simple and intuitive workflow to transform a prospect into a client: prospect, qualification, opportunity, offering, and invoicing.

Special Price Management

  • Special Price Contracts: For clients with special prices, the CRM can directly issue contracts with negotiated prices, simplifying the sales process.
  • Price Lists per Client: The CRM system allows the creation and management of personalized price lists for each client, facilitating the negotiation and application of special prices.

Payment Notifications

  • Automatic Payment Notifications: The system automatically sends payment reminders for unpaid invoices according to a predefined plan.

Integration with Other Applications

  • Accounting Program Integration: The system integrates with a single click with programs such as Saga, Next Up, and WinMentor. Integration with other programs is possible on request.
  • Online Store Integration: Compatibility with platforms such as WooCommerce and PrestaShop.

Call Center Integration

  • Call Center Integration: The system is natively integrated with the VoIP telephone exchange, allowing call recordings and obtaining written summaries based on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Telephone Exchange Integration: The system can integrate with any VoIP telephone exchange, allowing call recordings.

Optimizing Access to Information

  • Centralized Data: Information is centralized, uniting all departments for more efficient collaboration.
  • Managing Customer Knowledge: Instant access to clients' chronological files and a 360° view of interactions.

Benefits of Dynamic Business CRM

Improving Customer Relationships

Description: Centralizes customer data, allowing personalization of interactions and increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Streamlining Internal Processes

Description: Automates repetitive tasks and ensures clear workflows, saving time and reducing errors.

Increasing Sales and Profitability

Description: Provides analysis tools for identifying opportunities and allows the creation of personalized offers, maximizing revenue.

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How Dynamic Business CRM Works

  1. The user adds a new prospect into the system.
  2. With a single click, accesses essential information about prospects and clients, including revenue, profit, number of employees, and business sector.
  3. Qualifies the prospect, transforming it into an opportunity based on the collected information.
  4. Creates the personalized offer and sends it via email directly from the application to the client.
  5. After the offer is accepted, automatically generates the contract and invoice.
  6. The CRM system automatically sends payment reminders for unpaid invoices according to a predefined plan.